Safe Exit

Emergency Shelter

Our confidentially-located Emergency Shelter Program serves as a safe haven for women and children fleeing domestic violence.  Without such a safe haven, victims are too often faced with an impossible choice: to continue living in a violent or life-threatening environment, or to become homeless.  Much more than just shelter, we offer safety, comprehensive advocacy, and support services to up to 35 women and children each night.

During an up to eight week stay, La Casa’s shelter is a safe place to land, take stock of one’s resources, and lay out a plan for next steps.  Our ‘round the clock staff insure individualized support for each woman and her children, while onsite services help residents heal from abuse and reverse the isolation caused by domestic violence.  The shelter offers individual counseling, support groups, practical living skills development, resource advocacy, and support service referrals.  La Casa also encourages women and their children to engage together to relieve trauma, strengthen bonds, and break the intergenerational cycle of violence.

The only domestic violence shelter in San Francisco offering ‘round-the-clock access to safety, we conduct shelter intakes 24 hours a day, every day.

“I want to acknowledge my eternal gratitude for having a number to call, a refuge to go to, and the heart and spirit that fuel the good work being done here.  It’s such a gift to not feel alone when you feel in danger and unable to cope….  The support, kindness, warmth, and direction meant so much to me.  Muchas gracias a las hermanas de La Casa de las Madres.  You Rock!”
–Shelter resident