Safe Exit

Survivors like Andrea walk through our doors every day

La Casa offers hope, safety and support to people experiencing domestic violence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You are never alone. No one deserves abuse. Call 1.877.503.1850 or text 1.415.200.3575 for options and resources.

Andrea* was a young mother of a toddler. (La Casa has changed identifying details and features of this survivor’s story to protect their confidentiality). She had been married for 3 years, and the abuse in her relationship was escalating. She was the sole provider for her family, and her partner would purposely drop her off late at work, or go to her job and create arguments in order to get her in trouble. When Andrea told her partner she was pregnant, things got even worse and she ended up in the hospital.

After disclosing to the medical providers what had happened, they advised her to seek help. Andrea spoke to her mother, but she knew her partner would look for her at her mother’s house. Andrea then got connected with La Casa de las Madres’ hotline. It was far away from her home, but it was the only safe place for her and her child.

While at the shelter, she met with a case manager and they developed a care plan. Andrea wanted to obtain a restraining order, but in order to get one, she’d have to go to the county she had fled from. Andrea and the case manager safety planned for the trip, and she was able to attend the restraining order workshop. After a couple of weeks, Andrea’s partner was served with the court papers. In the subsequent month, Andrea was granted a three-year Restraining Order, and felt safe moving back home where she had her family’s support.

Did you know that your $100.00 contribution funds a day and night of safety and comprehensive support services for a woman and child in our confidentially-located shelter? 

We rely on community contributions to fund our 24/7 response. Thank you!