Safe Exit

A Devastating Blow to Survivors and Women's Rights

A devastating loss of women's rights at the federal level, by overturning Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court just eliminated federal abortion rights for over half the country. In California, the right to make this critical healthcare choice remains protected. This is also a critical message for victims and survivors of domestic violence, who are all too familiar with their choices being controlled, constrained, and removed.  Survivors may be forced by their abusers to have a child or to terminate a pregnancy. Birth control is sabotaged; sex is forced; autonomy is removed. Reproductive choice is fundamental to women's rights to direct and control their lives now and in the future.

At La Casa, we will continue to stand and fight alongside survivors for their self-determination, for their safety, and for their fundamental right to make healthcare decisions about their own bodies. We deeply understand the devastation wrought by a person or State eliminating this choice.

We will not end domestic and sexual violence until survivors and all people are able to freely decide what happens to their bodies.