Safe Exit

Our S/Heroes: Mothering, Hope & Resiliency

Mother’s Day is a special time at La Casa de las Madres. 45 years ago, a coalition of San Francisco women came together with determination and resiliency to create a safe space. Opening one of the first domestic violence shelters in the United States, these women visioned a refuge infused with the warmth, kindness, bold and protective nature of mothering. They named their organization La Casa de las Madres. 

As home of the mothers, our name carries forward our charge to empower and protect, and it acknowledges the natural desire to seek a mother, when you feel unsafe or need support. 

In the fight against domestic violence, celebrating mothers means celebrating the strength and resiliency of women who, amid great turmoil and trauma, work to give their children safety, stability, and love. It also means celebrating the role of mothersand all consistent, caring adults—in creating futures for our children that are free from violence.

What does a consistent, caring adult mean in the life of a child? 

Research has found that the presence of at least one constant loving, supportive adult is the most important factor in how children weather exposure to domestic violence. Growing up in a home with abuse, children absorb family dynamics and can experience trauma even without direct harm. In 30% to 60% of abusive relationships where children are present, they experience abuse directly. Children’s resiliency is directly tied to that constant source of loving feedback and support, and for many children the single loving, supportive adult in their lives has been their mother, doing her best to care for her children even as she is experiencing abuse.