Safe Exit

shine a light on Teen Dating Violence this February

La Casa’s signature campaign - a bright orange beaded bracelet and resource card - signifies solidarity, connection, and raising awareness about teen dating violence. Wear and share the bracelet to start a critical conversation.

In San Francisco, 1 in 10 high school age youth report experiencing physical violence in a dating relationship in the last 12-months.  Let’s send a clear message now: 

I’ve got your back, and I invite you to have mine. If you're seeing things that don't look right in my life, I hope you'll ask me about what's going on. If I'm worried about you and the health of your intimate relationships, I'll speak up.

Why is this campaign important and effective?

Youth are more likely to confide in one another and be the first to see the signs of an unhealthy relationship blossoming among their friends. Teens Got Each Others’ Backs! reinforces healthy bonds between friends and opens a critical conversation for people of all genders. Girls aren’t the only ones that experience domestic violence. In fact, 43 % of LGBTQ  reported being victims of physical dating violence, compared to 29 percent of heterosexual youth in a previous year. 

The truth is... Teen relationships can be just as destructive and violent as adult relationships. Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. Too many young people don’t recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship or know who to turn to if they're experiencing relationship violence. Teens Got Each Other's Backs! stands as a reminder to young people that they’re not alone and that help is always available.

Wear one and share one. Let a friend know they can count on you and give them one of these bracelets. You can help us create a culture of connection, support, and life-saving communication.


  • Do you have a retail or restaurant location? Help us spread the word with a countertop display promoting Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month OR invite La Casa onsite in February for a TDVA presentation and group volunteer activity.

  • Do you work with youth? Spearhead a group volunteering activity or request completed bracelets to open the door to this critical conversation.

  • Signal your support for healthy relationships at all ages by downloading a virtual background.

  • Follow us - @lacasadelasmadres - as we take the campaign digital across the month of February.

Each bracelet comes with a critical message: Let a friend know they can count on you, and give them one of these bracelets. Leaving or ending an unhealthy relationship isn't easy. Sometimes you don't know who or where to turn when you're in a relationship that feels unsafe. If you or someone you know is being hurt emotionally or physically, there is help.

Tell a friend and contact La Casa de las Madres

Teen Support Line 1-877-923-0700 | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Text FOR SUPPORT: 1-415-200-3575

The resource card highlights additional critical resources for youth in San Francisco:

  • Huckleberry Youth Programs: crisis shelter | counseling medical clinic | 24 hr. hotline - (415) 621-2929

  • Larkin Street Youth Services: Counseling |  medical clinic shelter | housing - (800) 669-6196

  • Lyric: Community Center for lgbtq+ individuals - (415) 703-6150

  • San Francisco Police Department: Non-emergency line | filing a police report - (415) 553-0123

February is Teen National Dating Violence Awareness Month!  Does someone you’re dating control or threaten you?  Do they text you obsessively, or keep you from your friends?  Abuse isn’t just physical. Call La Casa de las Madres’ Teen Line, 1-877-923-0700.  Free, confidential, and someone who will listen.